Help from Albion: Development blog 7#

Comeing back to the project after a month, i wanted to gather myself on how Bolt in Unity works again so that i can cantunie the project at the same quality if not better then my previus Unity games.

Knowing that last time i worked on it i was trying to implament a rotate mechanic on a platform, i decided to finaly fix it and get it working as intended, i quickly found i could use a smaller amount of code to get the job done and implamented it.

I then decided to figure out how to make the platform rotate around a singuler point, sadly, changeing the anchor point of an object wasent possible, acording to online help, atleast in Unity. So i decided to make a parent object, put the platform as it child, and place the code of the rotate onto the pearent object instead. and it worked.

With all other asignments done, i plan on putting my full focus onto this unity project moveing forword. The next time i work on this project, i will aim to make the parent object invisable, or if possible just an empty vector, so that the player cant see what its rotateing around and will start implamenting the rotate mechanic on all my platforms in an Embedded flow machine instead of a macro. So that i can edit each platform indavidualy to difrent speeds and radiuses.