Devlog Marketing 1

A marketing objective is when the development Team pick a part of the market to focus on. For exsample, a games been made, and it has a Fantasy setting, Melee combat, and a story. A marketing objective picks one of these Features, we'll pick Fantasy, and uses that as the games selling point, and will focus on drawing in the players that like that feature, just as a phone company might have a marketing objective for its good internect connection or storage space.

Haveing a Marketing Objective isent just "usefull" it is "Needed". Without one the company makeing the game wont know how to sell it to the public in a promotional format. You cant just throw what you have out to the public and say "this is our game", you need to have something in it to showcase, aka Marketing. "This is our game, it has a Vast Fantasy Environment for you to exsplore".