Devlog Marketing 6#

Mobile Marketing 

Mobile marketing is important because of how valuable it is as a resource, majority of people have a mobile phone with internet access and in most cases these people prefer to use their phones for daily use instead of using a pc and for much longer times.  

Mobile Marketing lets us tap into this huge resource to help get people's attention and give them easy access to your product, weather that be view your product, playing it, using it, or buying it. All these things and more are possible with the latest mobile technology. Here are 2 Mobile marketing techniques that can be utilized. 

Text message (SMS): This method can be compared to Newsletters from Web Marketing, but instead of updates being sent to their email, it will be sent to their phones, this is practically better than the Newsletters, for what handheld phones are capable of, doing this method is a lot more convenient for the user to hear of and look at information. Seeing as most peaple spend a lot of time on their phones, it’s also more at hand then checking their email once there on another device, and possibly missing the email among all their other ones. 

Making official site mobile friendly: By making our official site mobile compatible, we increase its user friendliness, allowing a broader range of interested users the option of looking up our game, this goes double so for spreading the word, not every person will have their friends around a pc when they might want to show them out game, by making our site able to be viewed on mobile, we give people the option of this scenario to show others anywhere, on their mobile phones. 

Marrs, M., 2021. What Is Mobile Marketing & Why Does it Matter So Much?. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" ws="" 2013="" 08="" 19="" what-is-mobile-marketing=""> [Accessed 18 March 2021]. </https:>