Help from Albion: Development blog 5#

This week i wanted to make a Hazerd object for myUnity project, in the form of a large chunk of rock, that will fly around the map on a set path that will push the player if they come into contact. i made this object in 3ds Max and imported it into my project without issue.

Onto the next task, fixing the textures and modifyers on these objects when importing them into the project, while i did not figure out why the modifiyers wernt takeing affect, i did figure out how to fix the none exsistant textures. They may not come with the objects when imported, but they do retain "where" on the object materials were, this is really helpfull when haveing multiple textures on a single object, and was just the case of importing the textures into Unity, and applying them to the now empty, texture slots.

I futher tested my textures by adding in lights to my scene to make sure they were applyed correctly, and i'm happy to say they were.